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Rod Stewart - Have I Told You Lately
Have i told you lately Have I told you lately that I love you 最近我有没有告诉过你:我爱你? Have I told you there's no one else above you 最近我有没有告诉过你:没有人能与你相媲美? Fill my heart with gladness 让我的心中充满喜悦 take away all my sadness 驱散我所有的忧愁 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼 For the morning sun in all it's glory 每天清晨,金色的阳光普照大地 greets the day with hope and comfort too 用充满希望和慰籍的话语问候新的一天 You fill my life with laughter 你让我的生活充满欢声笑语 and somehow you make it better 甚至远甚于上 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼 There's a love that's divine 这份神圣的爱 and it's yours and it's mine like the sun 它属于你属于我 就像太阳属于你我一样 And at the end of the day 当夜晚来临 we should give thanks and pray 我们应该诚挚的祈祷并表达我们的感激 to the one, to the one 向给予我们爱意的那一个人,那一个物 Have I told you lately that I love you 最近我有没有告诉你:我爱你? Have I told you there's no one else above you 最近我有没有告诉过你:没有人能与你相媲美? Fill my heart with gladness 让我的心中充满喜悦 take away all my sadness 驱散我所有的忧愁 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼 There's a love that's divine 这份神圣的爱 and it's yours and it's mine like the sun 它属于你属于我 就像太阳属于你我一样 And at the end of the day 当夜晚来临 we should give thanks and pray 我们应该诚挚的祈祷并表达我们的感激 to the one, to the one 向给予我们爱意的那一个人,那一个物 And have I told you lately that I love you 最近我有没有告诉过你:我爱你? Have I told you there's no one else above you 最近我有没有告诉过你:没有人能与你相媲美? You fill my heart with gladness 让我的心中充满喜悦 take away my sadness 驱散我所有的忧愁 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼 Take away all my sadness 驱散我所有的忧愁 fill my life with gladness 让我的心中充满喜悦 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼 Take away all my sadness 驱散我所有的忧愁 fill my life with gladness 让我的心中充满喜悦 ease my troubles that's what you do 用你的行动消减我的烦恼
1993年2月洛杉矶Rod Stewart在MTV演唱专辑唱的"Have I Told You Lately",据说是唱给妻子纽西兰名模Rachel Hunter的,如泣如诉的娓娓唱来,歌迷无不被这个现场版本深深感动。我想如果他的妻子也在现场的话,一定也会被他的深情感动得泪流满面! 洛德里克‧大卫‧斯图尔特,(Roderick David Stewart,1945年1月10日-)出生及成长于英国伦敦,是一名苏格兰/英格兰著名歌手,是美国乐坛六十年代中期的英国入侵浪潮之后的标志性人物之一。由于父母的血统而自称“苏格兰摇滚乐歌手”,罗德·斯图尔特一直以苏格兰血统为傲。 洛斯图尔特的歌唱事业已进入第五个十年,歌曲登上世界各地的流行榜,其中单在英国一地,共有62只细碟上榜,24只上升到头10位,而有6只成为冠军金曲。估计洛斯图尔特的大碟及细碟销量总数超过2500万只,使他轻易登上“最畅销歌手流行榜”,而其天生带点沙哑的男歌手磁性的嗓音更是只此一家。洛斯图尔特最流行的作品是1972年的"Sailing"和1978年的士高大热"Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?"
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