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推荐歌曲:1.amaranth ,2.wishmaster 3.bless the child 歌手:Nightwish 成立于1996年的芬兰交响哥特金属团Nightwish是芬兰的一宝,北欧的淳厚的古典积淀和新金属的浓烈氛围,造就了 Nightwish的天籁之音。 乐队风格:Heavy metal(重金属) Progressive metal(前卫金属) Symphonic metal(交响金属) Power metal(力 量金属) 1. 2. 3.
专辑列表: Angels Fall First(1997) 专辑介绍: 残阳如血,一棵孤独的大树站立在山坡上,似乎在等着觅食的鸟儿归巢。这就是Nightwish的上一张唱片Angels Fall First的封套。 凭借新"改良"过的作品,97年7月,Nightwish同Spinefarm公司签定了两张专辑的合同。9月,乐队在Spinefarm旗下录制 了4首新歌。加上以前的一些作品,首张专辑Angels Fall First于1997 年10月在芬兰发行;1998年3月,在全欧洲发行。专 辑中弥漫着浓厚的歌特气息。来自其中的单曲The Carpenter在芬兰排行榜上位列第8,对于一支新乐队来说,这是一个很好 的开端。 所有曲目: 1-Elvenpath 2-Beauty And The Beast 3-The Carpenter 4-Astral Romance (1997) 5-Angels Fall First 6-Tutankhamen 7-Nymphomaniac Fantasia 8-Know Why The Nightingale Sings? 9-Lappi (Lapland) 10-Once Upon A Troubadour 11-A Return To The Sea Oceanborn (1998) 专辑曲目: 01 - Stargazers 02 - Gethsemane 03 - Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean 04 - Sacrament of Wilderness 05 - Passion and the Opera 06 - Swanheart 07 - Moondance 08 - The Riddler 09 - The Pharao Sails to orion 10 - Walkin in the Air 11 - Nightquest 12 - Passion and the Opera (Single Edit) Wishmaster (2000) 专辑曲目: 01 - She Is My Sin 02 - The Kinslayer 03 - Come Cover Me 04 - Wanderlust 05 - Two For Tragedy 06 - Wishmaster 07 - Bare Grace Misery 08 - Crownless 09 - Deep Silent Complete 10 - Dead Boy's Poem 11 - Fantasmic Over the Hills And Far Away(EP)(2001) 专辑所有曲目: 01 - Over The Hills And Far Away 02 - 10th Man Down 03 - Away 04 - Astral Romance 05 - The Kinslayer (Live) 06 - She Is My Sin (Live) 07 - Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live) 08 - Walking In The Air (Live) 09 - Wishmaster (Live) 10 - Deep Silent Complete (Live) Century Child (2002) 专辑曲目: 01 - Bless The Child 02 - End Of All Hope 03 - Dead To The World 04 - Ever Dream 05 - Slaying The Dreamer 06 - Forever Yours 07 - Ocean Soul 08 - Feel For You 09 - The Phantom Of The Opera 10 - Beauty Of The Beast 11 - Lagoon Once (2004) 专辑曲目: 1. Dark Chest of Wonders 2. Wish I Had an Angel 3. Nemo 4. Planet Hell 5. Creek Mary's Blood 6. Siren 7. Dead Gardens 8. Romanticide 9. Ghost Love Score 10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan 11. Higher Than Hope Dark Passion Play(2007) 专辑曲目: 1. The Poet And The Pendulum 2. Bye Bye Beautiful 3. Amaranth 4. Cadence Of Her Last Breath 5. Master Passion Greed 6. Eva 7. Sahara 8. Whoever Brings The Night 9. For The Heart I Once Had 10. The Islander 11. Last Of The Wilds 12. 7 Days To The Wolves 13. Meadows Of Heaven
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