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[转帖] 【地理】酷毙了的中国喀斯特石林:2亿7千年的古老自然奇观[33P]



Cool Karst at China’s Shilin Stone Forest: 270 Million Year Old Natural Wonder

用心想象一下,你的眼前有九万陆仟英亩的树林,它摇身一变,忽然形成了宏大的喀斯特岩溶 ,部分岩溶早在两亿七千年前就已经形成,这些岩溶就是中国的“石林”。自明朝(公元1368-1644)起,“石林”里的这些巧夺天工的岩石和地貌就一直为人们着迷。据中国旅游指南称,“石林”以“天下第一奇”为人称道。华南的喀斯特景观不仅仅是石林,还有很多大小不同的独特的地貌构成。

Imagine 96,000 acres of forest, then swap out the trees in your mind’s eye for huge karst formations, some of which formed at least 270 million years ago, and that “stone forest” is Shilin in China. Since the Ming Dynasty in 1368-1644 AD, the collections of intricate karst formations and landscapes at Shilin Stone Forest have “bewitched” people; the site became known as the ‘First Wonder of the World,’ according to the China Travel Guide. South China Karst is not one Stone Forest, but made up of many such individual landscapes of all sizes. In fact, UNESCO says South China Karst has “outstanding universal value” and named two smaller stone forests, Naigu Stone Forest and Suogeyi Village, both as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Here’s a look at Shilin Stone Forest in China.

用心想象一下,你的眼前有九万陆仟英亩的树林,它摇身一变,忽然形成了宏大的喀斯特岩溶 ,部分岩溶早在两亿七千年前就已经形成,这些岩溶就是中国的“石林”。自明朝(公元1368-1644)起,“石林”里的这些巧夺天工的岩石和地貌就一直为人们着迷。据中国旅游指南称,“石林”以“天下第一奇”为人称道。华南的喀斯特景观不仅仅是石林,还有很多大小不同的独特的地貌构成。事实上,联合国教科文组织称,华南喀斯特景观拥有“突出的普遍价值”,将两个小型的石林——乃古石林和所各邑村列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。让我们好好享受中国石林带来的视觉盛宴吧!

It’s located about an hour away from Kunming. Shilin is dotted with 65 reservoirs and ponds.


Stone Forest’s most famous attraction, Ashima rock. A legend that has been told for thousands of years says that “the forest is the birthplace of Ashima, a beautiful girl of the Yi people. After falling in love she was forbidden to marry her chosen suitor and instead turned into a stone in the forest that still bears her name.” Each year on June 24th, the locals celebrate the “Torch Festival, which features folk dances and wrestling competitions.”


Karst is made up of limestone and the landscape includes caves and sinkholes as underground streams erode the rock into fascinating formations that “look like petrified trees thereby creating the illusion of a forest made of stone.”


The tall rocks cut by erosion are said to look like they’ve grown out of the ground similar to stalagmites. In Chinese, Shilin means Stone Forest.


“Split and eroded by wind and rain, the tallest reaches 98 feet (30 meters) high,” wrote Lonely Planet. “Legend has it that the immortals smashed a mountain into a labyrinth for lovers seeking privacy.”


Shilin Stone Forest is but a part of the South China Karst, a larger karst landscape located in the Chinese provinces of Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan.


According to UNESCO, “South China is unrivaled for the diversity of its karst features and landscapes. The property includes specifically selected areas that are of outstanding universal value to protect and present the best examples of these karst features and landscapes. South China Karst is a coherent serial property comprising three clusters, Libo Karst and Shilin Karst, each with two components, and Wulong Karst with three components.”


Stone Forest Pond waterway. You could get lost in the labyrinth as the karst forests have caves, peaks, ponds, waterfalls, and underground rivers.


7Wonders explains, “The rocks have memorable names such as Ten Thousand Year Mushroom (10m high), Mother and Son, Camel Riding on Elephant, Avalokitesvara Rock, Buddha Stone, Rhinoceros looking at the moon and beautiful maiden ascending from the water, etc.”


Sword peak pond in Shilin Stone Forest. In fact, the University of Houston geologic history states, “The locals seemed to have named nearly every eroded surface. The main scenic areas include the Major, Minor and Naigu Stone Forests, Zhiyun Cave, Jibailong Cave, Qifeng Cave, Lunar Lake, Long Lake, and Big Water Fall. The Major and Minor Stone Forests are considered to be outstanding examples of karst topography in the world. Situated in the upper part of the nearly pure limestone (primarily CaCO3) of the Permian Makou Formation, the rocks are extremely weirdly shaped, looking like animals or human beings. These scenic spots are given interesting names such as ‘birds feeding their young’, ‘phoenix preening itself’, ‘glossy ganoderma of eternity’ and so on, making visitors always give full-play to their imagination.”


China Travel related “an old local saying says that ‘If you have visited Kunming without seeing the Stone Forest, you have wasted your time.’ Truly, the site is one of the most important attractions of Yunnan.”


One of the World’s Natural Wonders.


Path and steps through Shilin Stone Forest.


The elephant in the Stone Forest.


7Wonders goes into more detail with the legend: “Asham of the Sani (the Sani people are a branch of the Yi nationality) was bore into a poor family in today’s Yunan region. The girl was very clever and she began helping her father herd sheep at the age of 12. One day in the mountains she saved a boy named Ahei who had lost his way while picking wild fruit. Ahei, a 12-year-old orphan, had to toil for the landlord. Sympathizing with the poor boy, Ashma took him home. Ashma’s parents took pity on Ahei and fostered him. Ahei and Ashma grew up together and they fell in love with each other. They got married and lived a happy life. But Ashma was later abducted by the man, Azhi, the landlord’s son who was eager for the lady’s beauty. When Ahei-the husband learnt the event, he killed the landlord and his son and rescued his wife-Ashma. The lovers went into the stone forest and lived happily there ever after, giving birth to fine sons and daughters who are said to be the ancestors of the Sani people.”


The Naigu Stone Forest has a weathered black surface. The local language, Sani, call it “Naigu” meaning “black”. Both Naigu Stone Forest and Suogeyi Village are part of the South China Karst and are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


This presentation says “the Stone Forest covers 140 square miles and is split into 7 parts.”…The climate among “the thousands and thousands of rugged stone peaks, pitch-black caves, and towering arches” is often “very warm, averaging around 65 degress Fahrenheit,” but “drops under 40 degrees at night.”


The University of Houston’s Dr. John Butler wrote, “Dissolution lakes of enchanting and picturesque scenery, the Lunar Lake and Long Lake for example, are widespread in the Lunan region. The Big Waterfall is situated in the southeast of Lunan County and 19 km away from the downtown area. It flows swiftly over the 90 m fall and is the most spectacular waterfall in Yunnan Province. The Lunan caverns — Zhiyun Cave, Jibailong Cave among others — make up another fascinating world. The Shima Dragon Palace, which resembles a fairyland dragon palace, is concealed underground at depths of 100m or more. In particular , a magical scenery named ‘dragons groaning and tigers roaring’ in Qifeng Cave is a natural creation and a true masterpiece of geological agents.”


caves and occupying a total area of about three square kilometers (720 acres). Strange Wind Cave, composed of Penfeng Cave, Hongxi Spring and an underground river. From August to November, gales lasting two to three minutes sweep out of the cave every 30 minutes. Long Lake is a karsts lake that is three kilometers (two miles) long but only 300 meters (zero point two miles) wide. The lake features underwater stalagmites and stalactites and a small island in the center of the water. The source of the Dadie Waterfall, Ba River, is a branch of Nanpan River. In the rainy season, up to 150 cubic meters (196 cubic yards) of water per square inch plummet down the 88 meter (288 feet) drop.”


Walkway between the main portion of the Stone Forest in Yunnan.


Walkway through the sharp karst.


View from within the karst forest.


Howard Hillman wrote of these fascinating rock forest formations, “How the Stone Forest originated: Some 200 million years ago an ancient seabed covered with limestone sediment rose to become land. Then, wind and rain slowly eroded the limestone, leaving behind the bizarre rock pillars we see today. Some are nearly as tall as ten story buildings. The rock formations resemble people, animals, plants, and whatever else your imagination may identify.”


Hillman also advised, “To enjoy the Stone Forest at its serene best, go either early in the day or late in the afternoon. You’ll avoid the crowded paths and loud talking guides. As a bonus, the lower angles of the sun make the rock pillars more striking to the eye and camera.”


China.org wrote, that the “natural karst stone formations resemble a forest; some are elegant, some are rugged and each has distinguishing characteristics that make each seem lifelike.”


Having visited the site, David Learns Chinese warns that there is no sign, at least in English, letting you know that if you step out of the Stone Forest entrance, then you can’t get back in without paying again. Out the front entrance is where you can find drinks, so pack one.


Shilin Stone Forest consists of 1,000s of stone pillars from 15 and 100ft high.


David Learns Chinese related, “We’d gone to Naigu Shilin, the Black Stone Forest, part of a complex in Lunan Yi [an ethnic minority] Autonomous County. The entire area could be thought of as a giant Chinese garden. The contorted, sharp-edged limestone pinnacles stretch up 20, 50, 100 feet. If you have a feel for rock this is a great place. And so nice to breathe in the fresh high-elevation air, and hear the sharp cry of hawks and other birds.”


China Journeys explained that karst is “a German term for the region in Slovenia where the process was first investigate.” Also “you can be sure that all domestic visitors will visit the rock of A-Shi-Ma where they will hear the legend. Supposedly, Ashima was a beautiful maiden of the Sani People (a sub-group of the Yi) who was kidnapped by an evil landlord’s son. Her true love came to save her but she then drowned on the way home, turning into this rock with just a slight resemblance to a girl carrying a bamboo basket.”


UNESCO states, the South China Karst region “represents one of the world’s most spectacular examples of humid tropical to subtropical karst landscapes. The stone forests of Shilin are considered superlative natural phenomena and a world reference with a wider range of pinnacle shapes than other karst landscapes with pinnacles, and a higher diversity of shapes and changing colours. The cone and tower karsts of Libo, also considered the world reference site for these types of karst, form a distinctive and beautiful landscape. Wulong Karst has been inscribed for its giant dolines (sinkholes), natural bridges and caves.”


Sunshine, or the lack thereof, is supposed to make the rocks appear various colors.


More advise on how to best see Shilin, which is just one of the many stone forests. “A road runs around the central area and it is well worth walking beyond this as few visitors ever do. A good trail runs from A lady yearning for her husband around to the Ten thousand year old glossy ganodernma (for which, read mushroom-shaped rock) and back to the road via a very tight squeeze. This may not have the pick of the peaks but is quiet and a great place to have your picnic, if dry. (Food options in the park are limited and it is best to bring your own.)”

  • bbs12345 金币 +10 转帖分享,红包献上! 2015-12-9 21:42




和我20多年前看的不一样  以前石林很高  现在怎么这么矮。可悲




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